Monday, December 12, 2011

Tis the season...for protective styling.

I have a half wig.  On so many forums and blogs, I read about girls who use wigs to protective style during the harsh weather months.  I am attempting to do the same.  On Saturday, I washed my hair and deep conditioned.  I let it air dry over night and corn-rowed the back the next morning.  I flat ironed the bangs and then some...and slapped on my one and only half wig.  I trimmed it so the longest length would go to no longer than my armpits. That way it wouldn't be noticeably longer than my real length.  But guess what!!! I still feel weird wearing it in public. I wore it to church on Sunday..and felt like my head was so big!  The false hair feels so dry and crunchy compared to my real hair.  It doesn't move the same way...and looks a little greasy (probably my own doing!)  Ah well.  If I can make this work for me for the next two work weeks, I know it will be good for my hair.  The temperature is about 0 to 7 celsius on average these days...the air is soooo dry.  So, I don't want to wait until February until I start finding ways to prevent breakage.  Looking at pictures from the past few years, I've noticed that my hair always looks full and thick around my birthday...and straggly by spring.  Not this year. Why?  Deep conditioning, protective styling, and proper nutrition.  Wish me luck!

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